print on newspaper, 44cm x 31cm, 3 prints on canvas, 30cm x 45cm, 2000
published in C.1855, mensuel d’art; Paris; 2000; catalogue newspaper Wirtschaft in 3D, 2006
Only an art scandal can make it into the tabloids. Daily papers occasionally review exhibitions. Business newspapers
not only have articles on exhibition, but also art market information. Even advertisements are predominantly artistically
designed. Moreover, with finance papers there is the tradition of having the dominating person in an article portrayed by
their own illustrators. Within the range of these kinds of newspapers, the topic of art is elevated from practically zero
to a regular quantum. The average income of the recipients rises in proportion to the growth of the art section. In the
worlds represented by these mass media, reflections of art are almost invisible for wide parts of the populace, whereas
elitist recipients may mirror themselves therein.